Anatomy of a Day

Kathryn Crawford SaxerSelf Care

Nothing like a UTI to change your plans. It was supposed to be a writing day, all to myself, the kind of day I’ve started thinking of as a delicious day. But when my 5 year old starting crying “owwie” every time she peed (on the floor), I knew it wasn’t going to be that delicious. 12:05 a.m. Pee accident. Change Z’s pajamas, lay a towel over the puddle, lie back down in it and go back to sleep, Z …

The Sleepy Client

Kathryn Crawford SaxerSelf Care

I have a favorite client who talked about feeling overwhelmed at work (that’s a subject I’m expert in!). I asked him what his workday is like. He described coming in around 10 and being immediately barraged with meetings and emails and fires that were all in the “Important/Urgent” quadrant. How do you prioritize when everything is a top priority? Not a particularly insightful question, but I wondered what would happen if he got in earlier. As homework, he agreed to …

Three Reasons I'm a Stud

Kathryn Crawford SaxerSelf Care

1. I passed another runner today. I *never* pass anyone. People pass me walking in the other direction. Part of the reason I’m so slow (she says defensively) is that I’m running almost barefoot (read Born to Run if you haven’t already, it will forever change how you look at running shoes), and the other reason is that I have chondromalaysia patella (as I’m sure many of you old ultimate players also have) and was told by an orthopedic quack I mean …

Two Weeks Out

Kathryn Crawford SaxerSelf Care

Today is my two-week anniversary out of corporate America. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Is it okay to be this happy? I don’t feel like I’m on vacation, exactly. There’s already a structure to the week – it’s not like I’m reading novels in bed every day. But there’s more room to my life, which has a nice ripple effect. For example: Martin (my partner) walked through the front door after work the other day right …

New Name

Kathryn Crawford SaxerSelf Care

I’m changing my last name. I could go on about all the wonderful reasons to do this. Things to with children, husbands, family units and whatnot.  Although I’d like to say that I kept my maiden (ha!) name for interesting, feminist reasons, the real reason was that it was too much of a pain in the ass to change it. And the real reason I’m taking my husband’s name now, eight years into our marriage? The domain name “kathryncrawford” was …